
The all-in-one solution to manage your prep center

PrepBusiness is the only inventory management solution built to meet the specific needs of your Prep Center.

Calculate Your Price

Each plan includes full access to all features of PrepBusiness with prices increasing based on the number of units that are shipped to Amazon from your facility.
A unit is an individual item, not a carton or a pallet. If you ship 10 cartons with 24 items each, that is considered 240 units.
(Up to) 5K Units Per Month
$175 USD
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(Up to) 15K Units Per Month
$275 USD
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(Up to) 25K Units Per Month
$375 USD
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25K+ Units Per Month
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All-in-one Platform

Automate your Prep Center

Reduce client support emails/calls, win more business, lower staffing costs, and ship items faster.
Never log in to Seller Central again.
Clients can self-serve on their own portal.
Plan your Amazon shipments, adjust and cancel shipments before they are created on Amazon
Plan your Amazon shipments, adjust and cancel shipments before they are created on Amazon
White label - Run PrepBusiness on your own domain with your own logo.
Unlimited clients, users, charges, and shipments.
Upload photos of damaged items, clients can resolve from their portal
Reconciling tools to maintain accurate inventory counts
Automatic billing for prep services and shipment charges.
Print FNSKU and shipping labels, straight to your printer

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
What are units?
We charge based on the number of items or units that are shipped to Amazon from your facility. A unit is an individual item, not a carton or a pallet. If you ship 10 cartons with 24 items each, that is considered 240 units.
What if I go over the number of units in a month?
We don't have any hard limits on the number of units you can send. If you have regular monthly overages, then we will get in touch to renegotiate your price.
What if charging per unit doesn't make sense for my prep center?
If you are charging your customers based on something other than units processed for them, get in touch with us and we'll work out a fair price that makes sense for your situation.
What do I do if I have questions or issues?
Support is available by email at, or if you need white glove support, we can build that into your contract. That could include being on our Slack channel or phone support.
What is the annual and volume discount?
If you pay annually, you receive two months free (16.6% discount). If you are doing higher volumes (approx. over 25,000 units a month), get in touch and we will work with you to find a fair price point.

Get in touch with us

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to our team for support, inquiries, or to learn more about how PrepBusiness could fit at your prep center. We’re here to help!
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Try PrepBusiness for 30 days for free and experience for yourself how PrepBusiness can streamline your operations.
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